MUC / Dr. Robo's Street Challenge
Dr. Robo-Love is a performance that explores self-help, confrontational theater tactics, and technology. Imagine Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung embodied in a 9-foot tall robot challenging viewers with the zeal of a Landmark Forum leader and coach.


Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6, starting at 10pm, surprise appearances at bars, clubs, and restaurants along 14th Street.


Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7 from 12-4pm, artists will give advice as they move along 14th Street.

artist info

MUC is an artist collaborative based in Los Angeles. Using unconventional “armchair” psychology tactics, MUC experiments with the public through performance, installation, and video. By taking a light-hearted and fun approach with a touch of absurdity, they aim at giving relief to modern life.